วันพุธที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

3 Minutes Gift wrapping DIY

{ Valentine's day doesn't have to be all sweet sweet sweet .}
and you only have 3 minutes ;)
You can put a pack of cookies or candies inside.

What you need.
- white plain paper bag
- mt tapes or any tapes in color of your choice.

& happy valentine's day!

ps. i saw this style of wrapping in some japanese magazine so i decide to share my version. 

วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556


{ my lighting kat case x 3CE nail polish purple purple purple }

Keeping a separate blog for mynthlr and me. 
So here's my personal project! Lighting kat case yah all!
Happy Chinese New Year! and 2013 if it isn't too late to say..

me mynthlr mint whatever xxym