วันจันทร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

home & living xx.

( secret drawer in my closet.)
(Galileo thermometer, calendar which i never change the date, a book, and my galaxy viewer!)

(Upper tray of my accessories cake stand are now filled with weird jewelry.)
My fav. are :
1. M&Ms ring
2. Lip and eye ring, which the eye can be closed.
3. Purple bear raisin ring (gone somewhere :X )
(On the mirror tray)

(Part of my kitchen & "Like a pretty women" by Yumie on Ipad.)

ps. i'm so into tea, tea set, coasters, cup, glass, spoon, fork blablablah...
All those cafe interior stuffs ,so i did too much shopping at franc franc & LOG ON in HK.
Also, I did shop at Loft so much i finally got member card! lol :)

Good night!
Mint. xx

วันพุธที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554


4 days and 3 nights in Hongkong! The whole place is having SALE season. I got to do fun shopping and enjoy eating. It was pretty cloudy and humid. I totally forgot that i want to go to sweet dynasty for sweets :( Now, I am back to work mode and material/fabric hunting. I will update my mini collection progress soon.

ps. this made me feel i should bring a better camera and not my iphone.
blurry and slow to capture!!
