The mall I explored is ION on Orchard rd., usually customers enter the mall either from the front door or MRT underground. There are so many shops in the mall, so it surely is a high competition on whose retail display will gain the customers attention. Since the mall layout is quite confusing, the shops make the most of their window displays.

Kikki K., a stationary shop is right in front of the MRT exit/connection, the shop has little box display that showcase their new arrival and workshop announcement. So, let's say you are waiting for your friend coming from the MRT, you can easily be tempt to read the cute infographic x announcement because of it's cute bright display. It then says "Learn to manage a busy lifestyle with planner or diary", you then want to get your busy life organised and walk in and purchasing one.

The spiral/mazed layout of the mall will forced you to walk pass a lot of store, and mostly they place mannequins and sale banner in front, but the store "In Good Company", place they mannequin and display deeper in the store, but placing in the direction that people walking pass can see the garment clearly. Surprisingly, it make the store standout from the stores crowded mannequins display.