วันศุกร์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Retail Marketing

The mall I explored is ION on Orchard rd., usually customers enter the mall either from the front door or MRT underground. There are so many shops in the mall, so it surely is a high competition on whose retail display will gain the customers attention. Since the mall layout is quite confusing, the shops make the most of their window displays. 

 Kikki K., a stationary shop is right in front of the MRT exit/connection,  the shop has little box display that showcase their new arrival and workshop announcement. So, let's say you are waiting for your friend coming from the MRT, you can easily be tempt to read the cute infographic x announcement because of it's cute bright display. It then says "Learn to manage a busy lifestyle with planner or diary", you then want to get your busy life organised and walk in and purchasing one.

The spiral/mazed layout of the mall will forced you to walk pass a lot of store, and mostly they place mannequins and sale banner in front, but the store "In Good Company", place they mannequin and display deeper in the store, but placing in the direction that people walking pass can see the garment clearly. Surprisingly, it make the store standout from the stores crowded mannequins display.

วันพุธที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Your Audience

Assignment: Your Audience

On my blog, http://www.anothercandytea.blogspot.com , my blog is viewed around 6,902 time. Around half of visitors are from Thailand where I am based. United States visitors come second, followed by Russia and China.

Most are accessed from computer browser such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Only the minorities are access from mobile phone.

Most viewed posts are travel posts and diy posts.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Production Standard


Assignment : Production Standard

Production: Jogger pant / black and white stripes.
Size: M

For this assignment, I tried on two pair of the same style pant from a certain brand. Both of them are in size M. The first pair was in black, I feel if I were to purchase this pant, this would be the pair I purchase. However, the white pair feels a little loose and I would buy one size small to get a slimmer fit even if it would be less comfortable.

The waist measurements wasn’t much different in both pairs. The length are a little bit different, the black one seems a tiny bit shorter on the hem. The leg width on the stripe pair on feels looser than the black which has better fitting.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Your Product

Geometric leather bag with chain

1. Cut the bag in the pattern from the mock up.
2. Cut black pvc fabric and glue in stripe pattern.
3. Hand sew the seams together.
4. Cut 2 rectangle pieces to attach the chain strap.
5. Punch the hole for screw attachment of the strap. 
6. Hammered the screw in place.

The production cost for 1bag in cowhide leather:

Stripe bag in Leather material
Cowhide (50 x 50 cm)
Gold chain 0.5m
Screw x 2pieces
PVC fabric for stripe
2.30 hrs @ $9
Total production cost
20% profit
Total cost plus profit
Estimated retail price

Your Mockup

The production cost for 1 bag in PVC fabric with machine sewing:

Bag in PVC material
PVC fabric 0.5m
Gold chain 0.5m
Screw x 2pieces
1 hrs @ $9 (machine sewing)
Total production cost
20% profit
Total cost plus profit
Estimated retail price

The production cost for 1 bag in cowhide leather:

Bag in Leather material
Cowhide (50 x 50 cm)
Gold chain 0.5m
Screw x 2pieces
2.30 hrs @ $9
Total production cost
20% profit
Total cost plus profit
Estimated retail price

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Production costs

Wondering shapes necklace production
For Production Costs assignment on Parsons x TeenVogue. 

Prototype sample is made from bending and twisting wire. The pendent is made from clipper and ring.

Materials: Metal wire, silver ring, and black clipper.

The production cost for 1 necklace:

Wondering shapes necklace #1
Metal wire / 50cm
Silver ring
Black clipper
0.30 hrs @ $9
Total production cost
20% profit
Total cost plus profit
Estimated retail price

For wholesale cost:
-Buying materials in bulk to reduce costs.

Wondering shapes necklace #2
Metal wire / 50cm (wholesale 5m.)
Silver ring (buy in bulk)
Black clipper (buy in bulk)
0.30 hrs @ $9
Total production cost
20% profit
Total cost plus profit
Estimated retail price